Started a new job recently so not had as much time as I would normally like to spend in the kitchen and this weekend has been spent mainly doing a bit of DIY to spruce up the flat so this roast was well deserved and took every ounce of willpower and energy to make.
Large free range chicken in the trusted Romertopf, stuffed with a couple of limes and also about 10 cloves of garlic and a couple of chillies. Skin rubbed with chicken stock gel, I prefer Knorr, and finished off with paprika. This goes in to a cold oven and then set to 200C for 90 minutes.
Pre-boiled, ca 5 minutes, some peeled baby potatoes then shaken with cayenne pepper and paprika. These then go into a roasting tray covered in vegetable oil. I put them in ca 50 minutes after the chicken.
Side dish.. peeled Jerusalem artichokes and red onion, both drizzled with chilly oil. Into the oven at the same time as the potatoes.
Yorkshire puddings.. I like the traditional large tins. Pre-heated with vegetable oil, I pour the batter in about 10 minutes before the chicken is ready so at 1h 20m. They need about 25-30 minutes.
Once chicken is out I pour the juices into a jug and blitz them before sieving in to 300ml Creme Fraiche and bring to a boil.
Final side, steamed tenderstem broccoli.
Happy Sunday!