Bondbröd! A super simple bread to bake which consists of water, yeast, salt and strong breadflour. I however like to take out about 100gr of the bread flour and replace with Graham flour.
Graham flour isn’t readily available in the UK in the same way as it is in Sweden. It is is a coarse ground whole wheat that hasn’t been sifted during milling. I get mine from Totally Swedish along with a lot of other Swedish necessities.
500 ml cold water
25 gr fresh yeast
2 tsp salt
800-850 gr strong white bread flour (or replace 100 gr with graham flour)
1. Dissolve the yeast in the water
2. Add the salt and flour, keep a small amount of flour for the kneading
3. Work it until you have a shiny elastic dough
4. Let rise for 40 minutes or until double in size
5. Knead and form to a large round ball
6. Score with a sharp knife or grignette
7. Put a baking parchment on a tray and place the dough on it.
8. Cover with a tea towel and let rise for 40 mins
9. Put a tray with water in the bottom of the oven (I have a steam oven but you can achieve the same with the tray of water)
10. Bake in 225C degree oven for 30 minutes