First BBQ of the year done! And there will be many more over the coming months!
I like having a few different meats and this time there was a pork fillet skewer, chicken fillet skewer, chipolatas, potato parcels and a roasted pepper and feta sauce.
The pork was marinated in a mix of Heinz Chili Sauce (this seems to be a product they only sell in Scandinavia so I get mine from one of the Swedish shops here in London), HP Sauce, Worcester sauce, honey, lazy chillies from a jar and garlic.
The chicken was marinated in greek yoghurt, lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic, black pepper, sea salt and some Advieh.
The Potato Parcels, so easy to do and very tasty. Kitchen foil brushed with butter, then layer finely sliced potatoes with butter, garlic, spring onion, salt and pepper and seal them.
The sauce is simply red roasted peppers and feta that’s been blitzed.